More Landscapes
In 1972 Sam moved with his wife and three young children back to his home village of Millboro, Virginia, where he remained until his death in 2001. Sometime in the 1970s Sam stopped painting one painting for so many years. He had sometimes turned a landscape into a portrait and back to a landscape again. The paint stopped being so thick as he worked on a single image consistently. Eventually he began to experiment with what he called spatter painting. He used his brush to flick little specks of paint on a thin base, This was really the opposite of the way he painted in the 1970s. (Note: the aspects of some of the paintings below are not correct and you only get a sample of it, click on it to see more)
This was painted when Sam first came back to Millboro, Virginia.
This painting lives with Jean Boutan and Mary Dyson in Paris.
This is a painting Sam made at UVA in 1945. The image comes from an auction. It is the earliest painting we know of.
This is a painting of Douthat State Park near Millboro.
One of many paintings of a bend in the Cow Pasture River.
This is perhaps the first painting Sam did of the bend in the river. He scraped layers of paint off.
Very late spatter painting of the bend in the river.
Perhaps more abstract than landscape, but same sun and land theme.

This painting went through many iterations. Here is one.
Here is another version of the bridge picture.
Sam wasn’t finished with this version of the bridge painting. But Gillian Holmes managed to get it from him anyway. It lives with her now.
Very early version of some bridge.